ESL EFL INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH ADVANCED INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH SPEAKING & WRITING PROMPTS 100 English Speaking & Writing Prompts for intermediate to advanced intermediate English Language students.
The resource consists of three non-editable files in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use.
Speaking and writing are language skills that learners tend to find very challenging, and increased engagement with language that requires them to both reproduce language they are already familiar with, and to be creative with that language in order to produce new language is really beneficial.
The questions are differentiated, addressing a broad range of ability, which aim to progress all learners. Tenses include present, future, near future, perfect and conditional. Question formats are likewise varied, to ensure maximum opportunity to work with the different ways to ask questions in English. Some questions seek to elicit very similar information, but are asked in different language: this avoids learners simply parroting learned responses to fixed prompts. The prompts are really versatile too, specifically with a focus on speaking and writing.
Speaking: As a whole-group activity, distribute the cards among your students, one or several. Ideally, they should walk around the classroom, asking questions, and swapping cards. For pair or small-group work, students can work in a designated area. This really helps them focus closely on the language, and helps learners who are slightly less confident working with a larger group.
Writing: The cards work best in pair or small-group work, where learners have access to reference resources, such as bilingual dictionaries and the internet. The latter will enable them to prepare detailed responses to questions which address general knowledge, rather than their own life. They can then transfer this knowledge to their spoken work.
The prompts broadly address the following themes: college life & study; future plans; information technology; where I live; social & environmental issues; North America/UK & travel; social activity & daily life
There’s a 2-page prompts master list, which is useful as a general reference resource, and we also use it for reading aloud and pronunciation practice, discussing in what ways we might adapt and amend the questions to create new prompts.
Have a look at this English Language Learning Speaking & Writing Prompts sampler, which will give you a good idea of whether this kind of activity would work well for your students:
100 English Language Speaking & Writing Prompts, suitable for intermediate to advanced intermediate English Language students
Speaking and writing are language skills that learners tend to find very challenging, and increased engagement with language that requires them to both reproduce language they are already familiar with, and to be creative with that language in order to produce new language is really beneficial.
The questions are differentiated, addressing a broad range of ability, which aim to progress all learners. Tenses include present, future, near future, perfect and conditional. Question formats are likewise varied, to ensure maximum opportunity to work with the different ways to ask questions in English. Some questions seek to elicit very similar information, but are asked in different language: this avoids learners simply parroting learned responses to fixed prompts. The prompts are really versatile too, specifically with a focus on speaking and writing.
Speaking: As a whole-group activity, distribute the cards among your students, one or several. Ideally, they should walk around the classroom, asking questions, and swapping cards. For pair or small-group work, students can work in a designated area. This really helps them focus closely on the language, and helps learners who are slightly less confident working with a larger group.
Writing: The cards work best in pair or small-group work, where learners have access to reference resources, such as bilingual dictionaries and the internet. The latter will enable them to prepare detailed responses to questions which address general knowledge, rather than their own life. They can then transfer this knowledge to their spoken work.
The prompts broadly address the following themes: college life & study; future plans; information technology; where I live; social & environmental issues; North America/UK & travel; social activity & daily life.
There’s a 2-page prompts master list, which is useful as a general reference resource, and we also use it for reading aloud and pronunciation practice, discussing in what ways we might adapt and amend the questions to create new prompts.
Have a look at this English Language Learning Speaking & Writing Prompts sampler, which will give you a good idea of whether this kind of activity would work well for your students:
ENGLISCH ESL EFL ENGLISH VOCABULARY CARDS ENGLISH FOR CHILDREN VOCABULARY CARDS BEGINNER ENGLISH VOCABULARY CARDS 54 English words & phrases with 54 matching German vocab cards for German-speaking learners of English
The product is non-editable in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully.
Students can develop, embed, reinforce and refresh their beginner English vocabulary in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way, independently of the teacher. The game cards and accompanying Recall & Write activities have a***multi-skill focus on listening, speaking, pronunciation, reading, writing and spelling***. It doesn’t matter if any of the words or phrases don’t feature in your medium or even longer-term learning plan: this is a great way of encouraging your students to engage with new language, and to build their vocabulary at the same time.
This set features 54 words & phrases in the following categories:
Greetings - Begrüßungen
Days of the week - die Tage der Woche
Months of the year - die Monate des Jahres
Four seasons of the year - die vier Jahreszeiten
Useful phrases for the classroom - Englisch im Klassenzimmmer
Questions and Answers - Fragen und Antworten
The Reference, Recall & Write book has 8 pages. It includes an alphabetical English-German reference list of all 54 words & phrases. The***Recall and Write challenges*** help students familiarize themselves with, and really embed, the range of vocabulary in the set, and also get used to reading, writing and spelling in English. It’s also a great way of developing literacy skills in English.
There are two written recall challenges:
Challenge One requires students to write the corresponding German word or phrase from an English prompt. The words and phrases are in random, rather than category order - this challenges the memory more than when the vocab is in the order learners first learn it in.
Challenge Two requires students to write the corresponding English word or phrase from a German prompt. The words and phrases are again in random, rather than category order.
We use the Ideas, Notes and Next Steps page regularly, reflecting not only on the words and phrases they feel confident about, but also how they think their skills in listening, speaking, pronouncing English, reading and writing are developing - and equally importantly, what they can reasonably do to keep improving.
Laminate the game cards if you can - they are far more learner-friendly, and the additional prep and expense is definitely worth it, as the cards will remain in excellent condition for years.
This resource consists of non-editable files in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully.
English Fruits Task Cards really do help to create a lively language learning environment. Students can develop, embed, reinforce and refresh their knowledge of fruits in English in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way, independently of the teacher. They have a bonus multi-skill focus on listening, speaking, pronunciation, reading and spelling. They’re great for helping students familiarize themselves with, and develop competence in, speaking, reading, writing and spelling longer words and more complex sentences in English. Sentence structure and word order may differ from students’ first and/or home language, so it’s important to provide them with opportunities to engage with language that moves beyond single-unit vocabulary as soon as possible.
The questions are all in English, and range in complexity and challenge. I usually read through questions before my students work with the cards for the first time, to ensure that everyone understands any new or unknown language and structures. There are 35 fruits addressed in the task cards, and it’s unlikely that they are all in your teaching and learning plan. I always include additional vocabulary to add a little challenge, and to encourage students to think a little more creatively and independently. I’ve used definite, indefinite and partitive article, and singular and plural - this really helps students familiarize themselves with grammatical concepts, including the lack of noun gender in English, without explicit instruction. There are some translation questions too - both from French to English and English to French, which is a great introduction to translation for beginner to intermediate learners. I explain that there are several possible correct alternatives, as translation is not a word-for-word activity, which is definitely useful for them to know from the very beginning of their learning.
The question card template enables students to apply their knowledge of language and grammatical concepts creatively and practically too - my students really enjoy creating questions for each other, and I encourage them to use the existing questions as a frame of reference as they create their own.
The resource comprises the following non-editable files:
36 differentiated question cards, 4 per A4 (8.5 x 11) paper
2-page answer recording sheet
2-page answer key
2-page alphabetical fruits list, English-French & French-English
This resource consists of non-editable files in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully.
A whole-group lively & communicative language learning game, perfect for practising, reinforcing & refreshing a range of fruits and vegetables in French. The game has a multi-skill focus: listening, speaking & reading, with an important bonus focus on social interaction and participation. It’s perfect for pronunciation practice too - particularly with silent s, the audible sound of x (deux and dix for example) and so on. I point out particular phonemes and sounds too - ch in champignons, the soft c in citron compared to the hard c in carotte and the eu in chou-fleur for example.
The aim of the game is to create a French sentence chain as quickly as possible. The design is four cards per page, which allows for a large font - this is really important for beginner language learners who are familiar with the written word, and starting to link spelling with sound.
There are 28 fruits & 28 vegetables featured: green apple; red apple; banana; cherry; date; fig; grapefruit; green grapes; red grapes; honeydew melon; kiwi; lemon; lime; mango; nectarine; olive; orange; papaya; peach; pear; pineapple; pumpkin; raspberry; redcurrants; rhubarb; starfruit; strawberry; watermelon; artichoke; asparagus; aubergine; green beans; beetroot; broccoli; Brussels sprout; cabbage; carrot; cauliflower; celery; cucumber; garlic; leek; lettuce; mushroom; onion; peas; green pepper; red pepper; yellow pepper; potato; sweet potato; radish; spinach; sweetcorn; tomato; zucchini.
All the fruits and vegetables may not be in my longer-term learning plan, but the learning objective moves beyond simply learning individual units of vocab - the images help studentsinfer meaning from context, supported by the visual prompts and clues - this in turn supports them in developing their French language skills in the longer and more complex sentences.
There is implicit input on grammatical concepts such as adjectival agreement, gender, definite, indefinite and partitive articles and position of adjectives, either preceding or proceeding the particular noun. The question card template provides an additional learning activity, with students applying their developing French language knowledge creatively and practically, as they make game cards for the class - this is a really popular activity with my students.
Have a browse in my store for more French resources, including special offer bundles and freebies.
This resource consists of non-editable files in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully.
A lively & communicative whole-group language learning game, perfect for practising, reinforcing & refreshing a range of fruits in English. The game has a multi-skill focus: listening, speaking & reading, with an important bonus focus on social interaction and participation. It’s perfect for pronunciation practice too. I point out particular phonemes and sounds, such as the soft g in orange compared to the hard g in grapefruit, and the addition of n to a when preceding a noun starting with a vowel, such as an apple for example. The aim of the game is to create an English sentence chain as quickly as possible, starting with the first card, and ending with the final card, the last card.
There are 29 fruits featured in the game:green apple; red apple; banana; cherry; date; fig; gooseberry; grapefruit; green grapes; red grapes; honeydew melon; kiwi; lemon; lime; mango; nectarine; olive; orange; papaya; peach; pear; pineapple; pumpkin; raspberry; redcurrants; rhubarb; starfruit; strawberry; watermelon.
There is implicit input on grammatical concepts such as the lack of adjectival agreement and gender, and position of adjectives, which are often entirely new concepts for many ESL/EFL learners. Nouns feature definite, indefinite and partitive articles too. This is a very successful way of really getting the most of what looks like a straightforward game for consolidating the target vocabulary - it is actually so much more!
The question card template provides an additional learning activity, with students applying their developing English language knowledge creatively and practically, as they make game cards for the class - this is a really popular activity with my students.
Have a browse in my store for more ESL / EFL English resources, including special offer bundles and freebies.
This resource consists of non-editable files in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully.
Whole-group lively & communicative language learning game, perfect for practising, reinforcing & refreshing a range of vegetables in French. The game has a multi-skill focus: listening, speaking & reading, with an important bonus focus on social interaction and participation. It’s perfect for pronunciation practice too - particularly with***silent s, the non-/audible sound of x (deux and dix for example)*** and so on. I point out particular phonemes and sounds too - ch in champignons and the eu in chou-fleur for example.
The aim of the game is to create a French sentence chain as quickly as possible, starting with J’ai la première carte, and ending with the final card, C’est la dernière carte. The game also works well if the sentence sequence is placed on the floor, a longish table, or other flat surface. I created the game for my young beginner learners, but I’ve also played the game with my older adult learners, who really enjoy it too. The design is four cards per page, which allows for a large font - this is really important for beginner language learners who are familiar with the written word, and starting to link spelling with sound. Try to print in colour if you can - it adds to the visual appeal of the game, which is a real motivator for learning.
There are 28 vegetables featured in the game: artichoke; asparagus; aubergine; green beans; beetroot; broccoli; Brussels sprout; cabbage; carrot; cauliflower; celery; cucumber; garlic; leek; lettuce; mushroom; onion; peas; green pepper; red pepper; yellow pepper; potato; sweet potato; radish; spinach; sweetcorn; tomato; zucchini.
All the vegetables may not be in my longer-term learning plan, but the learning objective moves beyond simply learning individual units of vocab - the images help students infer meaning from context, supported by the visual prompts and clues - this in turn supports them in developing their French language skills in the longer and more complex sentences. There is implicit input on grammatical concepts such as adjectival agreement, gender, definite, indefinite and partitive articles and position of adjectives, either preceding or proceeding the particular noun.
The question card template provides an additional learning activity, with students applying their developing French language knowledge creatively and practically, as they make game cards for the class - this is a really popular activity with my students.
Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The produce is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully.
Students can develop their knowledge of the geography of Europe in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way, independently of the teacher. We play both as a whole-group team quiz, and in pairs or small groups on a regular basis - students are particularly keen to see if they can beat their own points record, and are really motivated by their developing knowledge.
The set contains all European countries and capital cities, including some island communities such as the Faroe Islands and Guernsey. Each question has 4 answers to choose from. The correct answer is given in capital letters. The quiz cards are numbered, but questions can be asked in random order too: simply place all the cards in a bowl, box or tin, and work your way through.
There are two quiz challenges:
Challenge 1 gives the country as a prompt, with four possible capital cities to choose from.
Challenge 2 gives the capital city as a prompt, with four possible countries to choose from.
The card numbers for Challenge 1 are in the top right-hand corner; Challenge 2 in the top left-hand corner so that the cards can be organised and sorted easily. Laminate the cards if possible: they’re more learner-friendly, and remain in excellent condition for years.
Before playing, it’s useful to show students a map of Europe, so that they can visualize the location of each country and capital city, not only as an individual location with Europe, but also as a location in relation to other European countries and capital cities. This definitely helps students understand and memorise the countries and capital cities.
Have a browse in my store for more Geography resources, including special offer bundles and freebies.
Please note this is the Geography World Continents Europe Countries & Capitals Quizzes version of my European Day of Languages Europe Countries & Capital Cities quizzes - please ensure you have not already purchased the European Day of Languages version.
Files are non-editable in a zipped format. This product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed in any way outside your own classroom. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully.
Ideal multi-skill language learning activity for developing listening, speaking, reading, writing and spelling skills for French language learners of all ages - in my experience, adult learners really enjoy a few competitive games of bingo too! I’ve described the games as not grade-specific, as the general goal for me is not to learn a lot of French Christmas vocabulary as such, but to work quite specifically on French language skills development.
There are 100 grids in total, in both colour & BW. The color grids definitely look really good, but can prove expensive to prep - I have sets that I’ve laminated, and students use wipe-free pens, so that the grids can be used many times. Younger learners do tend to prefer the BW grids, taking some additional time to colour them in themselves. I often combine that activity with revision of colours, which can work really well too. The games are designed for players to cross off all the words or pictures on their grids in order to win the game.
This set comprises the following:
40 picture-only bingo 12-square grids, 4 per page (10 pages) You can give students a random selection of pages, with students selecting the order of grids they play from. You can also cut out the grids, and place them in a small bowl or similar object on tables. Students then select grids randomly from the bowl. For additional challenge, students can play all four grids in a single game. Colour and BW
40 words & pictures bingo 12-square grids, 4 per page (10 pages) Colour & BW
10 picture-only 30-square grids (A4 portrait format) Distribute the grids among students, several grids per student, which they choose randomly for every game. There should be several winners per game, depending on the size of the group. Colour & B&W
10 words & pictures 30-square grids (A4 portrait format) Colour & B&W
Calling card, featuring 32 French Christmas words. Print or photocopy double-sided to minimise prep. There are 8 check columns per page, so that you can really get the most from each card - call the words randomly, ticking them off as you go, so that you can check the winning grids. You can vary the use of the definite and indefinite article, singular or plural. Students should also be the bingo caller, rather than always the teacher.
Calling card, featuring the English translation of the French Christmas words. This is great for additional challenge - students hear the English word, and translate it quickly, looking for it in writing in French in the grid.
Files are non-editable in a zipped format. They are copyright, all rights reserved. They may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed in any way outside your own classroom. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. School licenses are available. Please read the Terms of Use carefully.
Ideal multi-skill language learning activity for developing listening, speaking, reading, writing and spelling skills for Italian class. Bingo games are really easy to differentiate, and there is a range of differentiated grid formats to choose from: 12-square grids; 30-square grids; picture only and blend of words & pictures, providing learners with a real opportunity to practice all four language skills.
This set of Christmas bingo games comprises the following:
= 40 picture-only bingo 12-square grids, 4 per page (10 pages) You can give students a random selection of pages, with students selecting the order of grids they play from. You can also cut out the grids, and place them in a small bowl or similar object on tables. Students then select grids randomly from the bowl. For additional challenge, students can play all four grids in a single game. Depending on the size of your class, you can have several winners per game. Colour and BW.
= 40 words & pictures bingo 12-square grids, 4 per page (10 pages) Colour & B&W.
= 10 picture-only 30-square grids (A4 portrait format) Distribute the grids among students, several grids per student, which they choose randomly for every game. There should be several winners per game, depending on the size of the group. Colour & BW.
= 10 words & pictures 30-square grids (A4 portrait format) Color & BW.
= Calling card, featuring 32 Italian Christmas words. Print or photocopy double-sided to minimise prep. There are 8 check columns per page, so that you can really get the most from each card - call the words randomly, ticking them off as you go, so that you can check the winning grids. You can vary the use of the definite and indefinite article, singular or plural.
= Calling card, featuring the English translation of the Italian Christmas words. This is great for additional challenge - students hear the English word, and translate it quickly, looking for it in writing in Italian in the grid
These games are designed for players to cross off all the words or pictures on their grids in order to win the game - choose a Christmas-theme word or phrase as the winning word, and ensure that winners read out their completed grids in order to confirm the win: this also acts as additional language practice.
Have a browse in my store for more Italian resources, including special offer bundles and freebies.
Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use.
ideal for advanced beginner English into intermediate English students. Word searches are a fabulous way of encouraging learners to engage with the written word, practising and reinforcing language as they complete the grids. This set features ten differentiated word searches, focusing on Numbers 0-100 in English, with each consecutive grid increasing in challenge. The searches offer a really useful learning opportunity - enabling learners to engage with the target vocabulary, but also aligning with cross-curricular learning - working on reading, writing, spelling, numeracy and language skills in generaL.
Learners are able to identify which direction words are located in within the grid by referring to the arrow key. As they move through the grids, their language skills are challenged in a range of ways - from straightforward vocabulary searching, to gap-fill, scrambled letters and sentence questions, which feature mathematical language in English and more complex linguistic structures.
Hyphens are really important in English numbers, and the grids feature these quite clearly, in order to ensure that learners can practise this aspect of language.
There are two formats to choose from - the search grids and answer keys as separate worksheets, and also a file with both grids and answer keys together, so that you can print each grid and key double-sided, according to which suits your classroom needs better.
Your students will find this freebie helpful:
Have a browse in my store for more English resources and freebies.
This resource consists of non-editable files in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully.
Lively whole-group communicative language learning game, perfect for practising, reinforcing & refreshing a range of fruits in French. The game has a multi-skill focus: listening, speaking & reading, with an important bonus focus on social interaction and participation. It’s perfect for pronunciation practice too - particularly with silent s, the audible sound of x (deux and dix for example) and so on. I point out particular phonemes and sounds too, such as***ei in groseilles*** and the soft c in citrons .
The aim of the game is to create a French sentence chain as quickly as possible. The game works well if the sentence sequence is placed on the floor, a longish table, or other flat surface. The design is four cards per page, which allows for a large font - this is really important for beginner language learners who are familiar with the written word, and starting to***link spelling with sound***.
There are 29 fruits featured in the game: green apple; red apple; banana; cherry; date; fig; gooseberries; grapefruit; green grapes; red grapes; honeydew melon; kiwi; lemon; lime; mango; nectarine; olive; orange; papaya; peach; pear; pineapple; pumpkin; raspberry; redcurrants; rhubarb; starfruit; strawberry; watermelon.
All the fruits may not be in my longer-term learning plan, but the learning objective moves beyond simply learning individual units of vocabulary - the images help students***infer meaning from context***, supported by the visual prompts and clues - this in turn supports them in developing their French language skills in the longer and more complex sentences.
There is implicit input on grammatical concepts such as adjectival agreement, gender, definite, indefinite and partitive articles and position of adjectives, either preceding or proceeding the particular noun. This is a very successful way of really getting the most of what looks like a straightforward game for consolidating the target vocabulary - it is actually so much more!
The question card template provides an additional learning activity, with students applying their developing French language knowledge creatively and practically, as they make game cards for the class - this is a really popular activity with my students.
Have a browse in my store for more French resources, including special offer bundles and freebies.
This resource consists of non-editable files in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. School licenses are available. Please read the Terms of Use carefully.
These Spanish Christmas Numbers 0-31 challenge cards are perfect for Primary Spanish and KS3 Spanish learners, and really do help to create a lively language learning environment. I’ve found that lessons around the Christmas period are a great time for revisiting and practising language and structures we’ve looked at over the term. The questions are entirely in Spanish, and students can develop, embed, reinforce and refresh their developing knowledge of Spanish in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way, independently of the teacher. They have a bonus multi-skill focus on listening, speaking, pronunciation, reading and spelling. They’re great for helping students familiarize themselves with, and develop competence in, speaking, reading, writing and spelling in Spanish in general, and certainly in Spanish numbers and Spanish Christmas vocabulary in particular.
The questions range in complexity and challenge, not only in terms of calculation, but also in terms of the level of Spanish - they are aimed at advanced beginner Spanish learners, rather than new or recent beginners. Most learners will be able to infer meaning from context and images, which have a real Spanish Christmas theme, such as el turrón and las uvas, with vocabulary and structures repeated throughout, giving learners a chance to familiarize themselves really well with them. Nonetheless, it can be useful to read through the questions with the whole class first to check everyone is able to access the language, and therefore the activity, successfully. Students really do benefit in terms of language learning if they have regular and frequent opportunities to work with the cards, rather than simply working with them in a single lesson.
The Spanish Christmas vocabulary provides a really useful springboard for discussion about Christmas customs and traditions in Spain, Spanish regions, and other Spanish-speaking countries too, comparing and contrasting these to other Christmas practices students may know.
The resource comprises the following non-editable files:
= 48 differentiated question cards
= answer key & recording sheet
= question card template
Have a browse in my store for more Spanish resources, including special offer bundles and freebies.
Files are non-editable in a zipped format. They are copyright, all rights reserved. They may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed in any way outside your own classroom. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. School licenses are available. Please read the Terms of Use carefully.
Games with goals: lots of festive fun with these Spanish Christmas bingo games - an ideal multi-skill language learning activity for developing listening, speaking, reading, writing and spelling skills in Spanish.
= learn a range of Spanish Christmas vocabulary
= work on Spanish language skills development
= use the images and words as a stimulation for discussion about Spanish Christmas traditions and customs, comparing them across different Spanish regions, other Spanish-speaking countries, and Christmas in countries around the world.
Bingo games are really easy to differentiate, and there is a range of differentiated grid formats to choose from to maximise opportunity for Spanish language skills development:
= 12-square grids
= 30-square grids
= picture only
= blend of words & pictures
The games are designed for players to cross off all the words or pictures on their grids in order to win the game.
This set of Spanish Christmas bingo games comprises the following:
= 40 picture-only bingo 12-square grids, 4 per page (10 pages) Colour/BW
= 40 words & pictures bingo 12-square grids, 4 per page (10 pages) Colour/BW
= 10 picture-only 30-square grids (A4 portrait format) Colour/BW
= 10 words & pictures 30-square grids (A4 portrait format) Colour/BW
= Calling card featuring 33 Spanish Christmas words
= Calling card featuring the English translation of the Spanish Christmas words. Great for additional challenge - students hear the English word, and translate it quickly, looking for it in writing in Spanish in the grid.
Have a browse in my store for more Spanish resources, including special offer bundles and freebies.
This resource consists of non-editable files in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully.
Ideal multi-skill language learning activity for developing listening, speaking, reading, writing and spelling skills for English language learners of all ages - in my experience, adult learners really enjoy a few competitive games of bingo too! Bingo games are really easy to differentiate, and there is a range of differentiated grid formats to choose from: 12-square grids; 30-square grids; picture only and blend of words & pictures, providing learners with a real opportunity to practise all four language skills.
There are 100 grids in total, in both colour & BW. The color grids definitely look really good, but can prove expensive to prep - I have sets that I’ve laminated, and students use wipe-free pens, so that the grids can be used many times. These games are designed for players to cross off all the words or pictures on their grids in order to win the game.
This set of Christmas bingo games comprises the following:
40 picture-only bingo 12-square grids, 4 per page (10 pages) You can give students a random selection of pages, with students selecting the order of grids they play from. You can also cut out the grids, and place them in a small bowl or similar object on tables. Students then select grids randomly from the bowl. For additional challenge, students can play all four grids in a single game. Depending on the size of your class, you can have several winners per game. Colour and BW.
40 words & pictures bingo 12-square grids, 4 per page (10 pages) Colour & B&W
10 picture-only 30-square grids (A4 portrait format) Distribute the grids among students, several grids per student, which they choose randomly for every game. There should be several winners per game, depending on the size of the group. Colour & B&W.
10 words & pictures 30-square grids (A4 portrait format)
Calling card, featuring 32 English Christmas words. Print or photocopy double-sided to minimise prep. There are 8 check columns per page, so that you can really get the most from each card - call the words randomly, ticking them off as you go, so that you can check the winning grids. You can vary the use of the definite and indefinite article, singular or plural. Students should also be the bingo caller, rather than always the teacher. As you call out words, remember to tick them on your calling card so that you can check the winners’ words - you’ll be able to use the same calling card for multiple games.
The resource is non-editable in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed, in whole or in part, outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-license only. Please read the Terms of Use.
This set of 36 facts cards focuses on world languages, and is a great whole-group learning activity at any time of the school year. They’re particularly useful as***ice-breakers in the back-to-school phase***, as it’s a very social activity, and really gets students up from their desks, walking around talking to each other. The information addresses a very wide range of languages topics, from world history, history of language, varied fields within linguistics to global languages facts for example.
The cards are designed for older students, as the facts do require a certain level of world knowledge and language awareness, and particularly world geography. I always screen a world map first, pointing out continents, countries, regions and territories and so on, because using the cards is also a great way of actually learning about the world, its history, shifting geographical and political borders, migrating populations and so on.
I use the cards in various ways: for example, a really popular method is the walk and talk activity, where students take a card each, walk around the classroom, exchanging facts - when they’ve shared the information on their card, students swap cards, and carry on walking — in this way, they encounter the same facts a couple of times, which really embeds knowledge. I tend to do this activity several times across the school year, following it up with an informal whole-group quiz, particularly when I feel that students need a break from more formal learning.
I also use the cards as either entrance or exit cards - again, followed by a quick quiz at several points in the year - simply turn the language on the individual cards into a question format. This works really well when students quiz each other, which moves them away from teacher-led learning towards more independent and social learning.
Have a browse in my store for more FACTS ABOUT… resources.
Please note this is the World Languages version of my European Day of Languages Facts about Languages set: if you have already purchased that set, there is no need to purchase this one.
The resource is non-editable in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed, in whole or in part, outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-license only. Please read the Terms of Use.
This set of 36 facts cards focuses on world languages, and is a great whole-group learning activity at any time of the school year. They’re particularly useful as***ice-breakers in the back-to-school phase***, as it’s a very social activity, and really gets students up from their desks, walking around talking to each other. The information addresses a very wide range of languages topics, from world history, history of language, varied fields within linguistics to global languages facts for example.
The cards are designed for older students, as the facts do require a certain level of world knowledge and language awareness, and particularly world geography. I always screen a world map first, pointing out continents, countries, regions and territories and so on, because using the cards is also a great way of actually learning about the world, its history, shifting geographical and political borders, migrating populations and so on.
I use the cards in various ways: for example, a really popular method is the walk and talk activity, where students take a card each, walk around the classroom, exchanging facts - when they’ve shared the information on their card, students swap cards, and carry on walking — in this way, they encounter the same facts a couple of times, which really embeds knowledge. I tend to do this activity several times across the school year, following it up with an informal whole-group quiz, particularly when I feel that students need a break from more formal learning.
I also use the cards as either entrance or exit cards - again, followed by a quick quiz at several points in the year - simply turn the language on the individual cards into a question format. This works really well when students quiz each other, which moves them away from teacher-led learning towards more independent and social learning.
Have a browse in my store for more FACTS ABOUT… resources.
Please note this is the World Languages version of my European Day of Languages Facts about Languages set: if you have already purchased that set, there is no need to purchase this one.
The resource is non-editable in a zipped format. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully.
This European Day of Languages quiz focuses on a range of topics and themes about Europe. Students can broaden and develop their knowledge of Europe in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way, independently of the teacher. The quizzes work well as a whole-group team quiz, and are also perfect for pair or small-group activities.
The quizzes are for older students, who have a more developed understanding, knowledge and awareness of the world. Some responses will be generally well-known to students, others less so, as the questions range from basic general knowledge to more specialized factual knowledge. This ensures that the activity is equally about reflecting on what students know, as it is about what they can learn. In this way, the quizzes aim not only to consolidate existing knowledge, but also to enable students to learn more about Europe. The questions and answers also provide a comprehensive framework for further exploration of Europe, which both broadens and enriches the learning experience.
I generally give students multiple opportunities over the school year to play the quizzes, not just on or around the European Day of Languages. Before we play, I always screen a clear map of Europe, to ensure that students can visualize it in its entirety, the location of individual countries within it, and in relation to each other. This provides an important learning context for students. The quiz opens with general questions about Europe, and then moves on to questions about a range of individual European countries.
There are 80 questions across two challenges:
Challenge 1: 56 multiple-choice questions, with four response options to choose from. The correct response is in capital letters.
Challenge 2: 24 questions in TRUE / FALSE format. Where the answer is false, students should additionally give the correct response.
The questions address and topics such as: music and the Arts; daily life; famous figures; geography; history; landmarks; language and linguistics; literature; politics; science; social history; society
This is the General Knowledge Europe Quiz edition of the European Day of Languages Europe Quiz #2 - please ensure you haven’t already purchased that edition.
Laminate the cards if you can - they are easier to manipulate, and remain in excellent condition for years.
Have a browse in my store for more European Day of Languages activities and resources!
Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. School licenses are available. Please read the Terms of Use.
A fabulous festive multilingual Christmas ambiance in the learning environment. There are 30 languages featured, using the Latin alphabet. Print on card and / or laminate, as the individual banners will hang really well, and they will also remain in excellent condition for years.
The languages featured are:
Albanian; Bulgarian; Catalan; Croatian; Czech; Danish; English; Esperanto; Estonian; Finnish; French; German; Greek; Icelandic; Irish Gaelic; Lithuanian; Norwegian; Polish; Portuguese; Romanian; Russian; Scottish Gaelic; Serbian; Spanish; Swedish; Welsh
Have a browse in my store for more world languages resources, including special offer bundles and freebies.
Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use.
This general knowledge quiz focuses on Europe. Students can broaden and develop their knowledge of Europe in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way, independently of the teacher. The quizzes work well as a whole-group team quiz, and are also perfect for pair or small-group activities.
The quizzes are for older students, who have a more developed understanding, knowledge and awareness of the world. Some responses will be generally well-known to students, others less so, as the questions range from basic general knowledge to more specialized factual knowledge. This ensures that the activity is equally about reflecting on what students know, as it is about what they can learn. In this way, the quizzes aim not only to consolidate existing knowledge, but also to enable students to learn more about Europe. The questions and answers also provide a comprehensive framework for further exploration of Europe, which both broadens and enriches the learning experience.
I generally give students multiple opportunities over the school year to play the quizzes. Before we play, I always screen a clear map of Europe, to ensure that students can visualize it in its entirety, the location of individual countries within it, and in relation to each other. This provides an important learning context for students. The quiz opens with general questions about Europe, and then moves on to questions about a range of individual European countries.
There are 80 questions across two challenges:
Challenge 1: 56 multiple-choice questions, with four response options to choose from. The correct response is in capital letters.
Challenge 2: 24 questions in TRUE / FALSE format. Where the answer is false, students should additionally give the correct response. Some of these questions align with the topics / themes in Challenge 1, but some address entirely different ones. I usually work with this challenge after Challenge 1, as I’ve found that it maximises opportunity for learning.
The questions address and topics such as: music and the Arts; daily life; famous figures; geography; history; landmarks; language and linguistics; literature; politics; science; social history; society
This is the General Knowledge Europe Quiz edition of the European Day of Languages Europe Quiz #2 - please ensure you haven’t already purchased that edition.
Laminate the cards if you can - they are easier to manipulate, and remain in excellent condition for years, so that they can be used many times.
Have a browse in my store for more General Knowledge quizzes.